Donggubat values how long each Gakkumjigi can work with Donggubat together, rather than the number of Gakkumjigis. The Gakkumjigis have been striving together with Donggubat since its establishment and not even one person has left the company since.

Our mission will continue until the expression ‘being together with the developmentally challenged’
becomes a universal common sense to most companies.

Did you know that more than 6 million tons of non-biodegradable plastics are being produced in Korea alone?

Plastic can never rot or be bio-degradable. They will only get passed onto somebody else.
Even at this moment, plastic trashes are piling up inside the bellies of baby sharks and turtles that we cherish so much.

All products created by Donggubat do not use plastic unnecessarily.
Donggubat has been reducing 16.2g of plastic per one product base on the 500㎖ weight recommendation standard for PET by the Ministry of Environment.

Rather than a bottle of shampoo inside a plastic, use solid shampoo.
This small habit can save not only humans but also other species on Earth.

The small changes in life created by Donggubat

Donggubat promises a world where everyone can coexist and be respected.
A part of profits made by products that the disabled and non-disabled produced together has been
donated to those who are alienated and in need of help.